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After what feels like an eternity in lockdown, people are spending more time on social media than ever before. With nothing to do, a lot of people resorted to online shopping for their daily dose of dopamine . But how do ads affect your spending habits? 2SER Reporters, Poppy and Jarrod investigate ‘How Dangerous are Ads to Your Wallet?

Jarrod and Poppy Ad Feature
00:00 / 05:35
Keyboard and Mouse

In today's modern world, people are spending more and more on online shopping. What role do personalised ads play in this change?  How does this affect you? But more importantly, how does it affect your wallet? 2SER reporters Jarrod Skene and Poppy Burton investigated, “How dangerous are ads to your wallet?” This feature covers the basics; from a brief history of adverts to the impact of developing technology has had on their design. This investigation includes the experiences of the Australian public as well as the academically informed analysis and opinion of Dr Sebnem Ensari; a lecturer in strategy at the University of Central Lancashire in the UK and author of the book: How Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) can be competitive: An environmental approach. The nature of targeted ads is unpacked along with the data websites, search engines, and social media platforms collect on you.


To see the data google has about you, you can follow this link:    


If you want to learn more about environmental analysis for small and medium-sized enterprises, you can find Dr Sebnem Ensari’s book here: 


We hope that armed with the inside knowledge of adverts and how they came to be, you are more aware of the damage ads can have on your wallet and are better equipped to protect it. 


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