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Current Affairs

Our News Team has been working tirelessly to bring you some of the most pressing news stories at the moment. From controversial bands and habits learnt in lockdown, to prominent legal issues, you can find out more here.

Tanning, is it a thing of the past?

00:00 / 05:44

Australia experiences some of the highest levels of UV radiation in the world and as a result many Australians suffer from skin cancer every year. 


Coming into another scorching summer, a lot of us think that we are much more aware and careful of being in the sun for too long than in previous decades. Zoe Palacios speaks to experts and a member of the local community, to answer the questions: What are the harms of trying to get that summer – long tan? Have attitudes changed towards tanning? And how does social media shape our desire to attain that enviable golden glow?

Image by Drew Dau
Teenage Students Raising Hands

Consent in sex education

00:00 / 05:40

We reflect on our sex education. Was any of it useful? Or was it just a bunch of euphemisms that no one really understood? And exactly how harmful was the governments ‘milkshake’ campaign on student’s understanding of consent?


Australia’s sex education curriculum differs from classroom to
classroom. People aged 19 years and younger, comprise 60% of all victims of sexual assault. About 1 in 5 women have experienced sexual violence in their life. And more than 1 in 4 adult victims of sexual assault in the past year, were male.


This is shocking and something that needs to change. A good starting point might just be our sex education system.


Rancid Indie

00:00 / 05:47

In the space of two weeks, Australian Indie rock band Rancid Eddie went from breakout stars to relative obscurity again in part thanks to some incredibly sexist lyrical material. This begs the question, how accountable are we holding our local indie musicians? Alex Driscoll wanted to find out, investigating the level of accountability in indie music as well as seeing if it should be greater or lesser than it already is. 

Back To School

00:00 / 05:43

Students have finally all returned to school after 4 months of home learning: what are our concerns? Lucy Taylor chats to some teachers and students to get a sense of how people feel about going back to school.


Remembrance Day

00:00 / 05:03

The 11th of November is Remembrance day. A day to reflect on the sacrifices made by soldiers all over the world. Learn more about the history, how to reflect, and some stories of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.


Breaking Lockdown habits

00:00 / 05:08

The amount of time kids are spending both online and on video games is rising, so should we be worried? Recent data suggests that during COVID lockdowns in Australia, the amount of time kids spent online was at an all time high. So how do we help kids break those habits now that we are out of lockdown? What can parents be doing to limit their child’s screen time? And should schools be doing more to teach kids about the effects of spending too much time online? I speak to Dr James Donald who shares his thoughts on all the crucial questions you might have and gives us a further understanding on how much time online is too much time. 

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